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  • 12 Tips to Start and Maintain a Successful Blog

12 Tips to Start and Maintain a Successful Blog

14 minutes read
September 15, 2023

Ever daydreamed about starting your own blog?

Imagine hitting that publish button and sharing your passions with the world?

I get it – it’s not as simple as waving a magic wand and shouting, ‘bippity boppity blog!’ But guess what?

You’re closer than you think to making that dream come true. Whether you aim to be the next big voice in your industry or just want a little corner of the web to call your own, you’ve got this!

Maybe it’s that burning passion or a hobby you’re itching to share.

Dive into this guide packed with actionable steps, from nailing down your niche to giving your blog the limelight it deserves.

Go ahead, make yourself a cup of coffee and journey through the blogging universe together. Excited? Me too! Here is

12 Tips to Start and Maintain a Successful Blog

1. Identifying the Primary Goals

What’s the big dream for your blog? 

It doesn’t matter if it’s your personal space or your company’s new venture; having clear goals is like having a compass in the blogging jungle.

Starting a company blog?

Jot down what you’re aiming for. Maybe it’s getting noticed by climbing the search ranks with some snazzy keywords or boosting sales with excellent product content. 

And hey, even if it’s just your personal space, think of it like a mini-business. 

What’s the plan? Whatever it is, get that vision front and center.

2. Get to Know Your Readers!

The magic of a great blog? It’s all about connecting with your readers. If you really ‘get’ them, they’ll stick around.

Think about it: if you know what they’re into, you can speak their language. And when your content hits home? They’re more likely to stay and read more.

But how do you really get in their heads? Start by figuring out who they are. Dive into the blogs they love, or the podcasts they can’t miss. What problems do they face? How can your content be their solution?

Remember, the closer you are to your readers, the better your blog will be. So, be a part of their world!

3. Finding Your Blogging Home

Ever thought about where to build your blogging empire? The platform you choose is kinda like your blog’s ‘home.’

Just dipping your toes in the blogging pool? For an easy start, try Medium.com. It’s free, simple, and with its massive readership, you won’t have to stress about attracting visitors.

But if you dream bigger and want your own space, consider WordPress.com. It’s like crashing on a buddy’s couch – comfy but not truly yours.

Going pro with your blog? Time to invest in a self-hosted site, specifically WordPress.org. It’s like buying your own pad – it requires a bit of money, but you get to paint the walls any colour you want! For hosting, many budding bloggers swear by SiteGround.

After setting up, you’ll pick a theme for your WordPress blog. Think of it as your blog’s outfit – stylish, but also functional. Elementor is a tool that helps you dress up your blog super easily. And yep, there are some fab free themes available for WordPress!”

4. Create a Content Strategy

Randomly throwing out topics? It might work for a bit, but having a clear strategy is the real game-changer.

In fact, 80% of marketers say they hit the bullseye more often when they’ve got a plan in place. It helps them zero in on their goals, spot tweaks they need to make, and measure their wins.

Your strategy isn’t just about what you’re saying, but how you’re saying it. It’s about letting your readers know, ‘Hey, this is what I’m all about!’

So, what should be in your game plan?

  • Who you’re talking to (your audience)
  • Your big dreams for the blog (like turning readers into raving fans or customers)
  • The scoreboard (how you’ll measure success, like website hits or newsletter sign-ups)
  • Your toolkit and funds.”

5. Discover Efficient Blog Topics

Ready to churn out some content? Let’s zone in on the right topics.

The secret sauce? Picking topics that have a buzz but aren’t in every other blog. Aim for those with a good balance of interest (lots searching) and ease (fewer folks writing). And of course, you’ve gotta have some know-how about them!

Need a magic wand for these? The Topic Research tool’s got you. Drop in a general idea, and it’ll give you a buffet of related topics. The cherry on top? It tells you which ones are your best bet based on search volume and competition.

Once you’ve got your topic, it’s keyword time! Make sure each post isn’t just a one-hit wonder but pulls in multiple keyword searches. The Keyword Magic Tool is like your keyword treasure map.

Want to keep the topic juices flowing? AI tools like ContentShake are your go-to. Feed it a topic, and it’ll dish out fresh content ideas. Think of it as having a little content whisperer on standby!

6. Make Reading a Habit

Want to be a standout blogger? Dive into more blogs! Just as authors absorb books to refine their craft, bloggers benefit immensely from consuming other blogs.

Stepping into the world of others’ writings exposes us to fresh ideas, diverse writing flavours, and varied tones. This rich tapestry of content not only informs but shapes our writing nuances.

So, whether you’ve got a quick 30 minutes or a leisurely two hours, immerse yourself in online content. Stretch your boundaries – don’t just stick to what you know. Sometimes, the most unexpected reads spark the brightest ideas.

Looking for reading recommendations? Start with industry influencers, experts, renowned publications, and yes, even your rivals.

7. Write Consistently

Success in blogging isn’t just about quality; it’s about consistency. Think of it like maintaining a fitness routine – sporadic workouts won’t get you far. Likewise, occasional blogging might not build the audience loyalty you aim for.

Developing a consistent writing habit and sticking to it ensures your readers always have something new to look forward to. Whether it’s daily, weekly, or bi-weekly, choose a pace that matches your schedule and goals.

And here’s the kicker: consistent writing doesn’t just benefit your readers. The more you write, the sharper your skills get. Over time, you’ll find your unique voice, refine your style, and gain a deeper understanding of your audience’s preferences.

So, pull out that calendar, set a schedule, and let’s get those words flowing regularly!

If you don’t blog often, that isn’t a bad thing; blogging randomly here and there is terrible. The biggest mistake is committing to a specific frequency and then not delivering on your promise to your audience.

Andy Crestodina, Chief Marketing Officer and Co-Founder of Orbit Media Inc.

8. Headlines Are Critical

The magic of a blog post often stems from its title. It’s what first catches the eye, and it has the power to either draw readers in or have them keep scrolling.

Some headline formulas just seem to resonate more with readers. Here are some structures that tend to get more clicks:

  • “Your Complete Guide to…”
  • “X Essential Tips for…”
  • “The Truth About X vs. Y…”
  • “Top X Ideas for…” (Odd numbers seem to be more attractive!)

From our insights, articles labeled as “Your Complete Guide” or those diving into direct comparisons attract an impressive number of readers.

On top of that, posts that offer solutions to common challenges or present comprehensive insights are more likely to be shared among readers.

Key characteristics of a compelling title include:

  • Simplicity: Let your readers instantly understand your article’s theme.
  • Benefit Highlight: Emphasise the gain they’ll achieve from your content.
  • Curiosity Spark: Intrigue them without sounding too sensationalist.

Suppose you’re penning an article on starting an indoor garden in small city apartments. Your headline should accentuate the practicality of the methods, the suitability for urban spaces, and perhaps a particular aspect or benefit of indoor gardening.


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Always ensure your headlines stay within the 50-60 character range for optimal display in search results, and integrate your primary keyword for SEO advantages.

9. Do search before Write

Before you write a blog post, understand why people search for that topic on Google. This is called ‘search intent’.

Google’s goal is to provide users with top-notch results. So, check the top results for your chosen topic.

Ask yourself:

  • What are their titles like?
  • How are they set up?
  • What questions do they answer?

For example, Kyle Byers from Semrush says, “To get more people from Google, look at the top results for your keyword. Note how they’re set up and the topics they discuss. Use these as a guide.”

If you’re writing about “revenue operations”, by looking at top results, you might see that it’s best to write a beginner’s guide with a title like “What is Revenue Operations?

10. Share Authentic Expertise and Original Insights

Google now prioritizes content that offers genuine expertise and unique information. To make the most of this:

  • Avoid rehashing what’s already online.
  • Draw from personal experiences. For instance, if you have a marketing blog, discuss actual cases and tactics you’ve employed.
  • Present fresh research. This could be from surveys you’ve conducted, products you’ve tested, or scientific papers you’ve reviewed.

For example, a blog post detailing how to earn passive income on Etsy using printables stands out when the author shares their journey of making 5,000 sales yearly. 

Screenshots from their Etsy store add authenticity. Aim for this level of genuine, unique content.

11. Smart Keyword Use

So you’ve done your homework and found the right keywords. That’s awesome! But where and how you sprinkle them in your blog makes all the difference.

  • Article Placement: For clarity, insert keywords in the title and content.
  • URL: Such as www.myblog.com/blog/targeted-keyword.
  • Meta title: The clickable headline seen in Google search results.
  • Meta description: The summary below the meta title in search results.
  • Alt text for images: Helps search engines understand your images.

While keywords are fantastic, do just what is necessary.

Squeezing them everywhere can come off as spammy, and that’s a no-no for search engines. Think of it like seasoning – just the right amount makes the dish perfect!

12. Outline Magic Before You Write

Here’s a little secret: Every top-notch writer starts with an outline. It’s like a roadmap, ensuring you know the land of words.

Here’s a quick guide to whip up your own:

  • Jump into Keywords Explorer: It’s your trusty compass.
  • Type in your target keyword.
  • Head over to the SERP overview.
  • Sneak a peek at the top three pages.
  • Click on “Open in” and select “Content Gap”. Surprise! Here lie hidden gems – the common keywords these pages rock.

Let’s say you’re penning down on cold brew coffee. Consider these catchy subheadings:

  • Unravelling Cold Brew Mysteries
  • The Perfect Brew Beans
  • Crafting Cold Brew at Home
  • The Right Steep Time

And there you have it! With this handy outline, you’re ready to roll!

Let’s Wrap This Up

I totally understand; the blogging journey can sometimes feel like you’re navigating a maze. 

But guess what? Many of us have been there. We’ve all faced those tough moments, but we’ve found our way with some guidance and grit. And that’s precisely what I hope this guide has done for you.

Starting a blog is an adventure full of learning, growth, and, yes, a few challenges. But with every post you publish, you add your voice to the vast digital landscape. 

Remember to stay authentic, do your research, and be consistent. And when the going gets tough, don’t hesitate to lean into this community. We’ve got your back.

So, as you press that “publish” button and set forth, know that we’re rooting for you. Until next time, happy blogging!

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